Jigme Singye Wangchuck Outstanding Environmental Stewardship Award

The Jigme Singye Wangchuck Outstanding Environmental Stewardship Award (JSW-OESA) is conferred once every two years. It honours individuals, groups and institutions from all backgrounds for a lifetime of contribution towards ensuring the security and sustainability of Bhutan's pristine environment. It particularly merits people who have gone beyond the normal call-of-duty in their service towards environmental protection.

Past Awards

The Jigme Singye Wangchuck Outstanding Environmental Stewardship Award (JSW-OESA) is conferred once every two years. It honours individuals, groups and institutions from all backgrounds for a lifetime of contribution towards ensuring the security and sustainability of Bhutan's pristine environment. It particularly merits people who have gone beyond the normal call-of-duty in their service towards environmental protection.